Behind the Scenes at Bregenzer Festspiele 🎭✨

Earlier this Month 20 expats had the privilege of taking a backstage tour at the renowned Bregenzer Festspiele, and it was very special!

🎭🎼 Although we couldn’t walk on the floating stage as it was still being prepared for upcoming performances, being so close to the iconic new stage of “Der Freischütz” was impressive. The intricate set designs and sheer scale of the stage are truly remarkable.

🛠️🔥🌊The tour provided a fascinating look at the technical innovations that make the festival unique. From lighting and sound to stage mechanics, the expertise involved is impressive. We learned about the technology, creativity and special effects that make the stage of “Der Freischütz” so unique and bring each performance to life.

🏛️📚 Furthermore, we learned about the festival’s history and its significance in the cultural landscape of Vorarlberg.

🥂🍹After the successful tour we took advantage of the lovely summer evening and enjoyed some drinks at a bar nearby.